亚洲天堂2017无码,免费毛a在线观看视频 ,国产乱理伦片在线视频观看,久久躁天天狠狠夜夜婷婷


    • 成立 Startup
    • 50頭母豬…
    • 開(kāi)始了姚輝德養豬之路
    • start from 50 sow
    • 規;l(fā)展
      Develop in Scale
    • 澄海正大康地轉讓給德興從600頭增至1800頭母豬規模
      Acquired CP’ s 1st farm in China, moved into scale farming
    • 開(kāi)始了數據管理
      Started farm data management
    • 廣東省原種豬場(chǎng)合格單位Certified GGP farm, GD
    • “綠都”杜洛克種豬
      “Lvdu Duroc”, Brand Pig
    • 廣東省養豬協(xié)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)單位
      VP Unit of GD Swine Assoc.
    • “物聯(lián)網(wǎng)”首次應用于德興豬場(chǎng)管理
    • 國家農業(yè)部:MOA
    • 無(wú)公害農產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)基地
      Certified green agricultural production base
    • 生豬標準化示范場(chǎng)
      Awarded Standard Demo Farm
    • 農業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化國家重點(diǎn)龍頭企業(yè)
      National Key Leading Agricultural Enterprise
    • 國家農業(yè)部:MOA
    • 國家生豬核心育種場(chǎng)
      national core swine farm
    • 國家設施農業(yè)裝備與技術(shù)示范單位
      national Agricultural Equipment and Technology Demo farm
    • 全國豬聯(lián)合育種協(xié)作組成員
      National Joint breeding Cooperation member
    • 中國畜牧業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )豬業(yè)分會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)單位
      China Animal Assoc., VP Unit of Swine Assoc.
    • “年度環(huán)保實(shí)踐”獎
      Environmental Practicing Award
    • 福利養殖認證
      Awarded Animal Welfare certification
    • 廣東十大名牌產(chǎn)品:廣東名豬
      Awarded 1 of the top10 Brand in GD
    • ISO9001質(zhì)量 ISO14001環(huán)境管理體系認證
    • 啟動(dòng)美國國家種豬登記協(xié)會(huì )NSR框架下的同步育種合作,優(yōu)化德興種豬達國際水平
      Signed US NSR synchronous breedingcontract.
    • 與世界動(dòng)物保護協(xié)會(huì )簽約合作備忘錄:德興成為中國在國際上的“示范農場(chǎng)”
      World Animal Protection Assoc. Strategic Partnering
    • 德興北歐智能現代化生豬養殖場(chǎng)建成
      DEXING Nordic Smart Farm starts operation
    • 上海德牧裝備科技公司成立:提供農場(chǎng)建設整體解決方案
      Setup Shanghai DEMU. Offers Turnkey Farm Solution
    • 山西運城德勤農牧成立:德興發(fā)展首次跨出廣東省
      Yuncheng DEQIN, First DEXING farm outside of GD Province
    • 德興臺農國際養豬培訓中心: 致力于為企業(yè)及行業(yè)培養現代化養殖實(shí)戰人才;福建龍巖學(xué)院產(chǎn)學(xué)研合作,與歐、美、泰企業(yè)教學(xué)合作。
      DEXING int'l swine training centre: breeding practical talents;Fujian Longyan University, research cooperation. Europe, US &Thai training cooperation
    • 德興臺農國際養豬培訓中心:提供綠色生態(tài)健康養殖體驗!
      DEXING int'l swine training centre: offer green eco breeding experience!
    • 吉林德興探感食品有限公司成立
      DEXING Tecksen Food Co. Setup
    • 合計2017年興建6條線(xiàn)共1萬(wàn)頭母豬規模的智能北歐模式母豬場(chǎng),分布于東北,西部,中部,及華南地區。
      In total there are 6 production farms of 10,000 sows to be built in 2017, in the north, west,middle and the south of China, in Smart Farm mode.
    • 上海德牧與荷蘭形成深度戰略合作伙伴關(guān)系,致力于打造與推廣有中國特色的生態(tài)健康智能化養殖場(chǎng)及配套環(huán)保體系。
      With an in-depth strategic partnership with the Netherlands, Shanghai DEMU is committed to the promotion of smart farms & environmental protection system.
    • 上海德牧成功打造糞污環(huán)保處理系統,成功上市。通過(guò)節水型豬舍的設計,固液分離,氣浮疊螺工藝,反滲透和DST污水處理技術(shù),實(shí)現水循環(huán)利用零排放模式。
      Shanghai DEMU has developed an environmental protection system of manure treatment. The pig pens designed by Shanghai are water-saving type, with solid-liquid separation, air flotation, stacking, reverse osmosis and DST sewage treating technology, achieving full water circulation and zero emission.
    • 與卡美農業(yè)成為深度戰略合作伙伴,旨在融合歐美頂尖養豬技術(shù),聯(lián)合卡美迦太基外籍培訓師團隊共同打造德興臺農國際養豬培訓中心的專(zhuān)業(yè)培訓師團隊,全力打造德興臺農國際養豬培訓中心人才轉化平臺。培養更多養殖優(yōu)質(zhì)實(shí)戰人才,使廣東德興成為中國整個(gè)養豬行業(yè)中頂尖養豬技術(shù)的集大成者和頂尖養豬人才的輸出基地。
      With an in-depth strategic partnership with the Carthage & MHJ Agritech, DEXING integrates the international top farming technology to its solution and puts all the top breeding techniques of pig industry in China together. DEXING International Swine centre aims to train the best practical breeding talents.
    • 德興股份與眾諾咨詢(xún)戰略合作簽約儀式,眾諾為德興股份提供專(zhuān)業(yè)的投資、法律咨詢(xún)服務(wù)
      DEXING Shares and ZHONGNUO signed the cooperation agreement, ZHONGNUO provides professional investment, legal advisory services